How to use Languages in TIA Portal

Posted: Jan. 30, 2022
Category: TIA Portal HMI/PLC

In this video we go in-depth with languages in TIA Portal.

  • How to select multiple languages
  • How to translate text in bulk
  • How to add a language button
  • How do languages affect your PLC application

It´s all in the tutorial below, so go and check it out!

How to Cross Reference in TIA Portal

Posted: Oct. 21, 2021
Category: TIA Portal PLC/HMI

TIA Portal makes it extremely easy to cross reference program data and this is how you do it:

To cross reference for example a function block, start by selecting the function block (1).  Then in the inspector window, select the Info tab (2).  Now when you click on the Cross-reference sub-tab (3), your requested cross reference information appears in the area below (4).

TIA Portal cross reference information blocks and tags

In the example above, the cross reference information shows us that the "FB - Equipment Modules" function block is being called in NW2 of the Main (OB1) block.

In a PLC application, this method works for all types of blocks (OB, FC, FB and DB), for tags and for user data types.
In an HMI application, this method works for screens, HMI tags, HMI alarms and even recipes.

And there´s more!  You can even cross reference between applications in the same project.  In the example below, we are looking in our HMI application for cross-reference information for the HMI tag structure "DB - Equipment_Refill_Process_1" (1).

The cross reference list shows us that this tag structure is used in Network 1 of the FB "FB - Equipment Modules" (3).  Now by clicking on that link, the "FB - Equipment Modules" is opened and the location of our tag structure in Network 1 is highlighted (4).

Now go and try out cross-referencing in TIA Portal yourself!

How to Import Images in Bulk

Posted: Sept. 14, 2021
Category: TIA Portal HMI

Tired of importing your images one-by-one in TIA Portal?  Check out the video below for an easy fix!

Using UDTs as Datatypes for IOs

Posted: Sept. 14, 2021
Category: TIA Portal PLC

Creating structure is very important when working with larger and more complex PLC applications.  Here´s a short video on how to simplify IO structures by using user defined data types.

How to Simulate Applications on Your Laptop

Posted: Sept. 14, 2021
Category: TIA Portal HMI/PLC

Ready to test your application?  Find out how to get your applications up and running using only your laptop...